Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory is a branch of science based on the Law of Sensitive Dependency. Rooted in quantum theory and relativity its main premise states that small changes in initial conditions could result in vast differences in the final outcome. Nature adapts to conditions in the simplest way even though the underlying system may seem complex. Chaos Theory includes concepts such as fractals, the butterfly effect and the Fibonacci sequence, revealing itself as patterns in nature, weather conditions and even human behavior.
I approach this series of in-camera multiple exposures looking for geometric patterns in nature and thinking about symbiotic relationships. I compose many of these images by combining lenses of different ratios or by rotating the camera at specific angles that correlate to the Golden Mean. By exploring these concepts and playing with the natural world in this way I am able to discover the beauty of the unpredictable. This has become my way of finding comfort amidst the chaos.